Peach Pie, Learn How to Make This Delicious Flourless and Sugar-Free Dessert


There are dessert that are unique and that everyone loves. This applies to cakes, which can be prepared in any form depending on the taste of each person and which are so versatile that we can adapt the recipe to our tastes.

Peaches are very tasty fruits and one of the most consumed in the summer. Not only can we eat them by buying them in vegetable stores, but they are also sold packaged and can be used as a base for various desserts. In case you did not know, they can be the main ingredient of a delicious cake that does not need flour and sugar to be delicious, and we can prepare something healthy.

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Peach Pie, Learn How to Make This Delicious Flourless and Sugar-Free Dessert

Peach pie is a great option if you want to get a healthy dessert, especially considering that it does not contain sugar and flour, which makes it ideal for people with diabetes and celiac disease. That’s why we’re sharing this delicious dessert recipe with you, which only requires seven ingredients and you can make it in minutes.

Peach Pie Ingredients

Peach Pie, Learn How to Make This Delicious Flourless and Sugar-Free Dessert

  • 100 g granola mix
  • 50 g chocolate 70% cocoa
  • 400 g peaches
  • 200 g dried figs
  • 100 g cream cheese
  • Cranberry juice
  • Peaches for decoration

Step-by-step preparation of sugar-free peach pie

  1. Place the dehydrated figs in a bowl of hot water to absorb moisture and leave for 30 minutes; then strain and process them.
  2. Add the granola mix and melted chocolate and stir until you get a thick dough.
  3. Pour this mixture into a mold and put it in the refrigerator.
  4. Prepare the filling for the cake by mixing 400 g of peaches with juice and cream cheese until thick.
  5. Add this filling to the other mixture, garnish with a peach, and refrigerate for 4 hours.
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