How to Easily Remove Ice from Freezer: A Simple Trick with Household Items

When we usually think about the use of aluminum foil in the freezer, the question that usually comes to mind is whether it is used to preserve food or to prevent contamination with unpleasant odors. But what attracts attention is another amazing usefulness.

Aluminum foil and its use can help us get rid of excess ice when we want to defrost the freezer. If we have already seen ways to make the task of defrosting easier, we can try another one, as it also does not require any cost.

Let aluminum foil work for you

Aluminum foil, commonly known in our country in many homes as Albal paper (the brand that popularized it), has a very wide application in the kitchen.

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From helping in the preparation of dishes due to its properties to facilitating the preservation of food and preventing moisture loss or preventing contamination with unwanted odors of other foods.


How to Easily Remove Ice from Freezer: A Simple Trick with Household Items

Even in extreme situations, such as a long power outage or a broken freezer, you can use aluminum foil to wrap frozen food and keep it at a lower temperature for longer.

What you may not know is that it can be used to make defrosting easier. We’ve already covered the steps and some tricks, now let’s look at how to use aluminum foil to make defrosting easier.

In your freezer, you can use aluminum foil to make cleaning easier by lining the shelves and drawers of your freezer. This will make cleaning easier, and if there is a leak or spill, simply remove the foil and replace it with new foil.

To use this trick, you’ll first need to unplug your freezer from the electrical outlet and then take out the food. You’ll then need to cover all sides of the freezer with aluminum foil, including the shelves, and put the food back in.

You just need to close the door and wait for the aluminum foil to work in the freezer. This way, the ice separates from the walls of the freezer and settles on the aluminum foil. Then all you have to do is remove the paper and the walls of the freezer will be free of ice.

Additionally and as a supplement, you can take the opportunity to clean and disinfect the inside of the freezer. Simply prepare a solution of warm water and vinegar or warm water and baking soda to thoroughly clean the surfaces after thoroughly rinsing and completely drying the inside.